Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Brownsville Public Library

June 15, 2011

            I went to the Brownsville public library on Wednesday, and went directly to the information desk. I met Jose Gonzales who answered all of my questions. The first thing I asked was what services and technology do they provide for patrons. He mentioned that they have an Internet Resource Center with wireless Internet. They also have a microfilm, which it is very popular with patrons at the moment.
 He says that people look at old newspapers for obituaries and now people are looking at land because they claim to have stolen land that belonged to their ancestors. He gave me a calendar they do each month of activities they provide at the library. Each day of the week they provide a new thing, every Thursday they provide materials for children to make a new craft and Fridays they have new movie to show. The library has section just for children where you find computers that they can use for homework or leisure and they have books that are organized by language and topic. There is a TV and sofas to watch movies. At the far end there is another section, which they use to read books and make new crafts. Inside the library there is a Friends Room, which you can purchase, books that were donated to the library for less than a dollar. This is very good to start a classroom collection just in case the school cannot provide books.
            I learned a lot from Jose Gonzales that I did not know about our library. I came out of there very happy for having a successful meeting and I learned a lot from it. I went home and told my husband all about it, he was also very interested to learn more. I cannot wait to teach what I learned to other teachers, especially the friends room. I am excited to inform parents of all the fun activities this facility has to offer their children.

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