Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The University of Texas at San Antonio/John Peace Library

June 20, 2011

            I had the directions to UTSA and still managed to get lost. That is typical of me, I am very bad with directions, I had to stop in a gas station and ask the cashier where UTSA was located. The cashier was very polite and seemed like he was use to people asking him for directions. We finally arrived to UTSA but got lost again luckily a UTSA security car escorted us to the parking lot that led us to the library and allowed us to park in one of the Staff parking spaces. We walked a short walk to get to library that was on our right and went in. I asked the ladies on my right some questions about the library and told me that the information desk would be able to assist me. I went over to the information desk and met a very nice lady named Mel, who told me that they offer computer labs and study rooms for their patrons. She also said that they use the library of congress classification to classify their books. They have their books organized by subjects. Like al the D’s are books about history and the H’s are about Social Studies. The library has two floors and in the first floor you can find the copiers, printers and the scanners.
        I really enjoyed my visit to the John Peace library where I learned of new technology that 
would be great to have in any library. The KIC scanner would save a lot of paper but I would fear copyright infringement. This was the first library that I went to that used the Library of Congress classification.

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